

You may already know this by just looking at the website icon. Yes, I like watching anime and am genuinely interested in things and characters related to anime. I am what most people consider, an average weeb. Many of my other interests are influenced by this to different extents.


It’s been a very long time since I started listening to music regularly. Although I’m by no means an audiophile, I do have my own standards and favorites for music. I own a small number of earbuds and IEMs to satisfy my taste in music.

Artificial Intelligence

Compared to my interest in music, AI has only recently become an interest of mine. I’ve always been aware of AI but I thought of it as something that would be useful in the future. However, that future came much earlier than I expected. In early 2022, I stumbled upon AI super-resolution and became keen on AI since then.


I’ve been a long-time gamer since primary school. I’ve played many popular mainstream games but also enjoy many other niche non-mainstream games. One thing to note is that I’m more of a PC gamer than a console or mobile gamer as I seldom play games on my phone and I never owned a gaming console.